

How to create interactive exercises using Quizlet.


Quizlet is a simple and effective online vocabulary learning tool. It enables users to create vocabulary lists that are automatically transformed into flashcards with several other learning and testing modes.

The following is a quick guide for creating vocabulary sets. Find more detailed information at

Ten steps

1. Sign up

You can use your Facebook or Google account, or simply create an account linked to any email address.

You can use Quizlet for free. However, as a teacher, consider a paid-for account which enables you to create an unlimited number of sets, add pictures,  recordings and use and other functions.

N.B. For larger languages, such as Russian, Quizlet generates the sound version of the vocabulary automatically. This is not the case for languages such as Czech but with a teacher account you can quickly and easily record your own.

2. Prepare a list of words

You can do this directly in Quizlet or in a Word file (quicker)

3. Click Create

Choose ‘Create’ from the Header anywhere on Quizlet.

Header of the Quizlet site.

4. Choose a title, description and subject

Menu for creating a new set in Quizlet.

5. Choose discussion, view and editing settings

Settings menu for visibility.
Settings menu for editor access.

Since you are creating the set, you can always change all the settings later.

6. Enter your terms and definitions/translations

Enter the terms one at a time.

Examples of setting up definitions and translations.

Alternatively, you can click ‘Import Data’ and import your set from Word by copying and pasting it.

Interface for importing data through a copy-paste process.

7. Choose your language

Usually the foreign language on the left and English on the right.

Selection menu for choosing languages.

Make sure that you set both languages correctly. Accents and characters will pop up on the right, eg Russian and Czech.

Symbols and accents for the Czech language.
Symbols and accents for the Russian language.

8. Update items

You can delete or move terms by using the buttons (x and ↨) on the right side of the line.

9. Save the set

Click the ‘Create Set’ button and your set will be saved. Your set has been created!

10. Sharing your sets

You can share your sets in a number of ways. On the front page of your set, locate the Share section which allows you publish a link to your set on social media and provides you with a unique URL link for each set that will take the learner directly to it.

Example of the Share menu after creating a Quizlet set.

The link can be emailed (not very efficient) or posted on a website or a dedicated space in a VLE.